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Rotačný plniaci stroj do nádob CFM-2T

Rotary machine model CFM-2T is suitable for packing liquids, viscous and solids in plastic tubs with subsequent closing by plastic lids. The machine can be equipped with two fillers at the same time, for the main and additional product.

Products to be packed: Liquid and viscous: sour cream, lala, mayonaisse, yogurt, ghee, mustard paste, tomato paste, ketchup, processed cheese, etc.
Solids: fitness nutritional products, washing powder, nuts, construction mixes, etc.

Packaging in tubs – is a convenient and reliable means of packaging for products in big quantities. It is widely used primarily in the segment.

Main advantages of packaging products in tubs include:

– the packaging material used is Polypropylene that is robust and reliable;
– light weight;
– low cost;
– easy for storage and transportation.

Code CFM-2T
Name Rotary Tub Filling Machine CFM-2T
Model CFM
SPEED*, max. 20 tubs/min. (1200 tubs/hour)
FILLING RANGE 100 – 1000 ml. or 1000 – 4000 ml.
TUB MATERIAL Plastic tubs (round, rectangular/square containers)
POWER SUPPLY**, max. 2.75 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz
OVERALL DIMENSIONS**, (W x L х H) 1300 x 2400 x 1900 mm
WEIGHT** ~ 400 kg


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